Perhaps you are a senior care professional who has encountered older adults who don’t know what medications they are on, or perhaps who can’t remember why they are taking their various medications. Older adults represent just over 13 percent of the population, but consume 40 percent of prescription drugs and 35 percent of all over-the-counter drugs, according to the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP). And, according to the ASCP,...
By David Brown, SVP, Market Director, Downtown Tampa at The Bank of Tampa Imagine this scenario: an 80-year-old senior is suffering from dementia, and is convinced to give a check for $250,000 to their in-home caregiver. With $250,000, the in-home caregiver skips town, leaving the senior without proper care and supervision to ensure they’re taking their medications, and receiving the day-to-day care expected for them to live in comfort. The...
“When someone in the family has a hearing loss, the whole family has a hearing loss.” – HLAA Hearing loss affects 48 million Americans. It is the third most common chronic condition for older Americans, in fact, 40% of individuals over age 65 are hearing impaired. Untreated hearing loss can lead to social isolation, stress and depression, social rejection and feelings of loneliness, irritability and anger, reduced alertness and even...
The last Christmas that I spent in my parents’ home was in 1982. This was their first Christmas in their retirement dream house. It was “perfectly” (Who needs an access road when you have a golf cart?) situated on a golf course in central Florida. Being New Englanders, spending Christmas in hot weather was a little disconcerting. The gifts, however, were more troubling than the weather. My younger brother asked...
Most of us know that eating a healthy diet is important for maintaining our optimum health. In fact, according to recent research published by the National Institutes of Health, the things you eat can influence your risk of dying from some of the most common health conditions: heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. As we age, the likelihood of developing one of these life-threatening conditions increases. The good news...
Financial scams that target seniors are becoming more prevalent, both online and offline. Here is some helpful information to help keep you safe. Scammers often use your emotions against you to get you to fall for a scam. So when the scam is over, the feelings of vulnerability and distress may remain. Romantic Scams Romance scams are on the rise, according to the FBI. The FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center...
By Dr. Vianka Delgado Dr. Delgado is an Internal Medicine specialist at Palmas Clinic, 7756 Palm River Road, Tampa FL 33619 Tel 813-626-0066 Website: It is that time of the year when you should take matters into your own hands to protect yourself from that deadly but preventable disease commonly called ‘the Flu’. Even if you do not read the whole article, please make a commitment now to...
There is a well-known story about a young boy walking on the beach throwing starfish back into the ocean one by one. When an adult asks him why he is doing that since there are thousands of starfish on the beach and surely he cannot make a big difference to all the starfish, the young boy responds, “Well, at least I made a difference to that one!” And so it...
The U.S. Census Bureau routinely updates its studies that focus on the expected urban and rural population growth in the coming decades, segmenting data by the Boomers, Generations X and Y, and Millennial generations. Lost on some in the bevy of spreadsheets is the fact that boomers are aging at a rapid rate at which states and municipalities cannot keep up support. You already know that 10,000 baby boomers will...
Senior-Friendly Business of the Year: The Humane Society of Tampa Bay When you think about the Humane Society, you probably think about all they do to find homes for abandoned dogs and cats. But we are honoring them today because of what they do for local seniors and disabled adults who own pets. If any of you are pet lovers, you know how our dogs and cats become important members...